Most of COVID-19 casualties in Ukraine have concomitant serious illnesses, 86% older than 50

The vast majority (86%) of the deaths in Ukraine from COVID-19 were people over 50 years old, doctors have said.
According to the Center for Public Health (PHC) of Ukraine on Saturday on Facebook, most of the deceased had severe cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tumors, kidney, lung ailments and obesity. Some 30% of those with comorbidities had a combination of diseases. In general, the proportion of diseases was (one or more): 61% - cardiovascular diseases; 40% - diabetes, 13% - neoplasms, 4% - kidney disease, 9% - lung diseases and 4% - obesity.
In total, as of April 4, 2020, 28 people had died from COVID-19 in Ukraine: 19 women (68%) and nine men (32%).
By age distribution: 30-39 years - two people; 40-49 years - two people; 50-59 years old - nine people; 60-69 years old - nine people, 70-79 years old - five people and 80-89 years old - one person.
"Five casualties had a history of traveling abroad during the last 14 days before the onset of clinical symptoms. The average duration from the onset of symptoms to the onset of death was nine days, and from the time of hospitalization to death - four days," the report said
All 28 patients were hospitalized. Of these, 64% received treatment in intensive care units and were on mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
All casualties had a positive laboratory test for the presence of the causative agent of this disease.