Electronic workflows in govt to be fully launched before July 1 – Dubilet

The electronic workflows will be fully launched at the government and ministries before the end of the first half of the year, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dmytro Dubilet has said.
"The document management system consists of three large blocks. The first block is standard documentation, such as reports and memos. The second large block is personnel documentation, as it makes up about 40% of the document flow. The third block is legal acts," Dubilet said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, only after all of these blocks are fully launched in electronic form, it will be possible to announce that this is real electronic workflows.
"Until the end of February, we will launch the government secretariat and the passage of legal acts in other ministries, and fully at the entire Cabinet – before the end of the first half of the year," the minister said.
Dubilet also said that this week the passage of draft acts will be launched in full electronic form at the level of the government secretariat in test mode, and within a month after that it is planned to connect all the ministries.
"The passage of the document from the moment the idea was born to the moment it is accepted by the Cabinet will be completely electronic, transparent, with established timings and with the names of the specific people who delayed this or that act. I also want to put this publicly on the site so that every citizen, journalist and activist could track this process in real time," he added.