European Union supports land reform in Ukraine

The EU supports the Government's plans to open the land market in Ukraine, a move that could unleash a huge potential for Ukraine's economy.
"The reform should be based on the rule of law and the principles of sustainability, transparency, fairness and inclusiveness. Respecting Ukraine's independent legislative process and sovereign decision-making, we stand ready to offer experience and support, together with other international partners," the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine said in its statement on Facebook.
The statement says that it is essential to put in place safeguards to this market opening, in order to avoid the excessive concentration of land in the hands of a few operators, to allow a fair treatment of small land owners willing to sell their land plots, and to guarantee the rights of active small farmers willing to purchase agricultural land.
"The EU is of the opinion that the opening of the land market should be the first step of a wider and more comprehensive land reform encompassing other elements of land governance, land use policy, planning and monitoring, land rights awareness creation, land consolidation etc. One of the preconditions to success notably consists in increased transparency through an open access to and publication of land rights related data. This will require an in-depth reform of the State GeoCadastre and the redistribution of some of its functions. The EU is considering further extending its support to the land reform implementation, especially focusing on institutional changes (for land governance, planning and management, and aiming at the integration of the Cadastre and Registry of Rights), training and capacity strengthening, and the monitoring of foreseen safeguards," the statement reads.
"Rule of law and a functioning judicial system are crucial for the success of the land market reform," it said.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada at a plenary meeting on November 13 plans to consider land reform - comprehensive changes in the system of land relations. Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Tymofiy Milovanov noted on his Facebook page that the reform submitted for consideration has nothing to do with lifting the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land.