09:43 12.11.2019

SAPO opens criminal case on leakages from NABU – Derkach

2 min read
SAPO opens criminal case on leakages from NABU – Derkach

Head of the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) Nazar Kholodnytsky, has launched an investigation following the statements from independent MP Andriy Derkach that the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) leaked information to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Derkach said in a video blog on Facebook.

He said that deputy of Prosecutor General of Ukraine Ruslan Riaboshapka and Kholodnytsky saw the elements of crime and launched an investigation into his statement.

Derkach said: "Here is a document of Riaboshapka, and here is of Kholodnytsky. The first acted quickly, and the second according to law."

According to Derkach, the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) did not find the elements of crime, because it closed the criminal proceedings on the very first day of the work of the new Prosecutor General.

"Do you know what the Prosecutor General's Office officially answered? That all these facts have been verified long time ago in detail by the State Bureau of Investigation in the framework of criminal proceedings 2952. Saying briefly, in this official letter the Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the credibility of the information I published on October 9. "Yes, there was a discharge of NABU," said Riaboshapka. "Yes! The facts about Burisma, Biden, international corruption and other facts with which Derkach came to a press conference and then the whole world wrote about it have already been investigated," stressed Derkach.

According to him, the PGO did not see the grounds for a second investigation in the documents provided to them.

"I quote: 'Based on the results of the pre-trial investigation on September 2, 2019, the investigator decided to close the specified criminal proceedings due to the absence of the elements of crime. Thus, there are no grounds for re-entering information on the facts set forth in your appeal into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations.' And the signature: 'Riaboshapka'," said Derkach.

According to Derkach, the PGO did not find the elements of crime, because it closed the criminal proceedings on the very first day of the work of the new Prosecutor General.

"On Friday, August 30, President Zelensky signs a decree appointing Ruslan Riaboshapka to the post of Prosecutor General. Riaboshapka celebrates on Saturday and Sunday. And on September 2, on Monday, on his first working day, the first thing he does: closes the scandalous production," said Derkach.