Zelensky signs law depriving MPs of payments in case of absenteeism

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law regarding the termination of reimbursement of expenses to deputies for the exercise of their powers in case of unjustified absence at meetings of the Verkhovna Rada or committee, the presidential press service said on Tuesday.
Relevant law No. 196-IX (bill No. 1035-2) was adopted on October 16.
According to the document, parliamentarians will be deprived of material compensation for the fulfillment of deputy powers, who during the calendar month during one regular session without valid reasons did not participate in more than a third of the votes at plenary meetings or more than half of the meetings of the committee of which they are members.
Termination of payments for the corresponding month will be carried out by order of the chairman of the parliament by decision of the regulatory committee on the basis of information on the accounting of working hours of deputies submitted by the Rada apparatus.
The adopted law does not provide for the procedure of the written registration of parliamentarians in plenary meetings. The basis for calculating payments to a deputy for participation in plenary meetings will be registration using the electronic system. According to the adopted law, as it is now, before the opening of the plenary meeting in the meeting room of the Rada, a deputy is registered using the electronic system by pressing the "for" button. If a member of parliament did not register using the electronic system in such a way, but during the plenary meeting participated in the voting on the agenda through the electronic system, he shall be considered as registered.
The law provides that the data on the participation of a deputy in at least 70% of the vote in the adoption of the decisions of the Rada at each plenary meeting is the basis for charging him wages for the time of participation at plenary meetings.
Keeping track of the participation of a deputy in the vote when making a parliamentary decision will be carried out using the electronic system, and the data of such accounting (in percent) will be published for each day of plenary meetings on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.
In addition, according to the press service, Zelensky signed the law "On Amending the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Implementation of Electronic Document Management Related to the Legislative Process" (No. 207-IX), which the Verkhovna Rada adopted on October 17. The document introduces amendments to certain articles of the Regulation aimed at refusing the written form of certain stages of the legislative procedure in favor of electronic: introducing bills and accompanying documents to them using a single automated system, handling cases of draft laws in such a system, etc.