16:11 28.10.2019

Ex-NACP head Korchak suspected of inaccurate property declaration

1 min read
Ex-NACP head Korchak suspected of inaccurate property declaration

The detectives of the National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU) of Ukraine under the procedural leadership of the prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) of Ukraine have notified ex-official of the Ukraine's National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) of Ukraine on suspicion of inaccurate property declaration in an amount of UAH 544,000, the NABU reported on its website.

"The investigation established that the ex-member of the NACP did not include in the declaration for 2016 of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local government, the information about the car that was in her constant use. In 2016, her husband's mother bought this car for UAH 544,390, but as of December 31, 2016, this property was in constant use of the ex-NAСP official and her husband. Therefore, according to the law, this fact should have been mentioned in the declaration for 2016, which the official did not do," reads the report.

Meanwhile, the NABU does not name the official just informing that the detectives started the investigation into these facts in October 2017.

As Interfax-Ukraine learned from the well-informed sources, the matter concerns Natalia Korchak, who was head of the NACP through 2015-2018.