Bolton warns Ukraine against 'diplomacy of creating debts' pursued by China

Assistant to the U.S. President for National Security Affairs John Bolton has warned representatives of Ukrainian authorities from the "'diplomacy of creating debts" pursued by China and the superficially attractive financial conditions that could harm the Ukrainian economy and facilitate intellectual property theft.
He said at a briefing in Kyiv that the United States are concerned about the "'diplomacy of creating debts" pursued by China. First it seems that the financial conditions proposed by them are rather attractive, but in the future, the countries that agreed with them, remain with debts and become dependable, he said.
Bolton pointed to the "theft of military technology" and cited the example that the fifth generation of Chinese aircraft is very similar to the American F-35.
Therefore, the United States expressed its concern about this if the Ukrainian economy wants to be self-sufficient, especially in terms of ensuring its defense, he said.
The assistant to the U.S. President said that he would not relate to specific agreements and transactions, because the final decision on specific agreements is the sovereign business of Ukraine.
Bolton also said that he had not met with the management of Motor Sich.