Court orders SBI to open case on Parliament Speaker Parubiy's possible meddling in election commission's work

Kyiv's Shevchenkivsky District Court has ordered Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) to register a criminal case on the complaint of a citizen based on the fact of possible interference of Parliament Speaker Andriy Parubiy in the exercise of election commission authority.
As noted in a court ruling dated July 22, the text of which has been published on August 1 on the site of the United Register of Court Decisions, the court received a complaint from a citizen (Person 1) about the inaction of a SBI detective who did not enter information about a criminal act in the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations.
The citizen said that on July 5 he submitted (by mail) a statement (made on July 4) to the SBU about a crime committed by the parliament speaker under Part 4 of Article 157 of Ukraine's Criminal Code (intervention of an official using his or her official position in the exercise by the election commission or referendum commission of their powers established by law, committed by unlawful demand or instructions to influence the decision of the election commission or referendum commission).
The SBI did not open that criminal case.
The court on July 22 reviewed the complaint and obliged the SBI to launch an investigation.
"A complaint from Person 1 must be handled. An SBI investigator must be obliged to enter into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations facts about a criminal act committed according to the statement of Person 1 from July 4, 2019, received on July 8, 2019, and give the person who filed the complaint an extract from the register. The ruling cannot be appealed," said Investigative Judge of Kyiv's Shevchenkivsky District Court Vitaliy Tsyktych.