12:15 06.10.2018

Ukrainian FM rules out legalizing dual citizenship with Russia

1 min read
Ukrainian FM rules out legalizing dual citizenship with Russia

Ukraine rules out the possibility of legalizing dual citizenship with Russia, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said.

"I would like to say that I categorically object and am opposed to even any ideas and thoughts to legalize dual citizenship with Russia, the aggressor. Any instances of receiving Russian citizenship must duly be investigated by our special services," Klimkin told the UA: Kharkiv TV channel on Friday evening.

The possibility of legalizing dual citizenship with other countries can be considered, he said.

"Ukrainians have moved to Canada or the United States, but they still have their Ukrainian mindset and are ready to help us. Possibly, we may assess on what terms and in what way they can also receive temporary or full Ukrainian citizenship, at the same time retaining their current citizenship," the minister said.

Ukraine needs a new law on citizenship, Klimkin said.

When asked whether he sees the need to introduce criminal liability for Ukrainians with dual citizenship, Klimkin said that "a lot of ethnic Hungarians and Romanians in our country hold dual citizenship, and if we introduce criminal liability for all, would it mean that all of them are by definition criminals?"