Ukrainian president agrees with Hungarian PM on further talks on implementation of language article

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko declares that he has agreed with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to continue the dialogue at the level of foreign and educational ministries on the implementation of the language article of the new Ukrainian law "On Education."
"We are conducting and we need to continue a dialogue with the Hungarians. Moreover, I can say that I had a short meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the NATO summit. We agreed that we would immediately continue the dialogue at the level of foreign ministers and education ministers and implement the decision of the Venice Commission," Poroshenko said in an interview with Ukrainian television channels on Friday.
At the same time, the president stressed that "Ukraine would defend its national interests, and the actions of the Ukrainian authorities and the actions of the Ukrainian president would proceed from the national interests of Ukraine."
He also noted that no one would be able to block Ukrainian integration into NATO: "Neither externally, I mean Russia, nor from within Ukraine, we will not tolerate any fifth column, nor from within NATO." "One cannot talk with Ukraine using the language of blackmail. We do not perceive it and it will lead to nothing. In my deep conviction, whoever talks to us using the language of blackmail, will be in isolation himself," Poroshenko added.