Court permits NABU to get temporary access to papers stored in Swiss bank of companies affiliated of Odesa city council officials

Kyiv's Solomiansky district court has ruled to provide a permit to detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) to inquire international legal assistance in authorized bodies of Switzerland about the temporary access and seizure of documents on paper and electronic documents belonged to bank Credit Suisse AG.
According to a court ruling dated June 20, 2018, these are documents of Comatrans SA (Uetlibergstrasse, 231, PO Box 700 CH 8070, Zurich Switzerland) and its account No. CH8504835013994622003, as well as Edco Finance Ltd. and its account No. CH1404835248944272000.
NABU detectives are to receive information and documents, evidencing about the opening, closure and the use of the bank account, documents identifying clients and beneficiaries of the companies, banking records since December 2015 and some other financial and technical data.
According to the materials from the declaration of intent of the court ruling, these documents and information is required to investigate criminal proceeding No. 52016000000000123 launched on April 28, 2016 under Part 5 of Article 191 (misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion or property by malversation if committed in respect of an especially gross amount, or by an organized group) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The criminal proceeding concerns the alleged embezzlement of budget funds in the amount of over UAH 500 million by Rostdorbud firm and affiliated individuals and legal entities during carrying out road works since 2014.