15:40 26.04.2018

Point of no return not yet reached by Ukraine

2 min read
Point of no return not yet reached by Ukraine

French Ambassador to Ukraine Isabelle Dumont believes that Ukraine has not yet reached the point of no return in the reforms, and reforms in the state should continue.

"Basically, your question is about the point of no return, something we all have been asking ourselves for the past years. Have we reached the point of no return? Unfortunately, not yet," she said in a joint interview with German Ambassador to Ukraine Ernst Reichel with Interfax-Ukraine.

The French ambassador said that there is always risk.

"They [Ukrainians] see that Ukraine has not reached the point of no return yet. They are afraid. They don't see the results in their everyday lives, and they know the situation can become worse. This is why those last reforms to be made, especially the anti-corruption court, are so important… to show that, yes, now we are really getting there," the diplomat said.

Dumont said that reforms take time to become visible and tangible for the population.

The German ambassador said that the financial losses every person here in Ukraine has made, except for a very few, are due, on the one hand, to the conflict with Russia, and secondly, they are due to earlier mistakes made by Ukrainian leaders.

"Remember, about 10 years ago, when everyone had foreign currency loans and then lost a lot of money on that. Very basic mistakes were made by the political leadership of the country at the time, which are still having their effects today," Reichel said.