Lutsenko promises news in 'high-profile case' probably concerning 'Yanukovych family' gold

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko does not comment on the situation with the gold that was arrested in a Swiss bank, which may belong to a representative of the entourage of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, but promises "high-profile news" in a "high-profile case."
"No comment in the interests of the investigation. In the near future you will hear high-profile news about a high-profile case," he told journalists in Kyiv on Wednesday, January 17, when asked about the fate of about 500 kilograms of gold, which was seized in Switzerland and allegedly owned by the Katsuba brothers.
When asked whether this gold belonged to the Katsubas, Lutsenko again said: "No comment."
As reported, it became known in September 2017 that a large batch of gold belonging to the entourage of former President Viktor Yanukovych had been arrested in one of the European countries. Lutsenko said that gold had been arrested in Switzerland and belonged to a person close to Yanukovych's entourage, but he did not name this person so as not to damage the interests of the investigation. He added that the Prosecutor General's Office was taking measures to arrest the gold discovered in Swiss bank vaults.
In November 2017, the prosecutor general said that the Ukrainian prosecutor's office was trying to restore contact with Swiss colleagues about the arrested gold.
According to media reports, gold seized in Switzerland could belong to former Party of Regions MP Serhiy Katsuba and former Deputy CEO of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy Oleksandr Katsuba.