16:39 11.01.2018

Ukrainian regulator urges parliament to introduce 75% quota for state language on radio, TV

2 min read
Ukrainian regulator urges parliament to introduce 75% quota for state language on radio, TV

Ukraine's National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting recommends that the Verkhovna Rada reduce the transition period for the introduction of a 75% language quota on television from October to March-April 2018, the regulator said in a statement published on its website.

"The law on language quotas on television did not meet expectations due to the established transition period, which will last until October 13, 2018. The regulation of the transitional provisions which classifies all national and domestic television products as programming made in the Ukrainian language has destroyed all expectations," the regulator said in its statement.

The National Council said a transition period was intended to allow broadcasters to adjust their production tasks, teach program hosts the Ukrainian language, train or employ new program hosts, update their content, and increase production. According to the National Council, some channels left their programming unchanged, only formally observing the legislative requirements.

The regulator suggested that the Verkhovna Rada initiate a revision of the legislative norms as soon as possible so that the transition period can end no later than March-April 2018. "This is the only approach that will stimulate television channels to care about the quality of programming," the National Council said in its statement.

The law requiring 75% of television content to be in Ukrainian was officially published in the parliamentary newspaper Holos Ukrainy (the Voice of Ukraine) on June 13. The law took force four months after its publication.

The law introduced amendments to the law on television and radio broadcasting, the law on culture, and the law on general principles of state language policy. The law also provides for sanctions against television and radio broadcasters for violations: fines in the amount of 5% of the total amount of the licensing fee.

The law stipulates that programs and films in Ukrainian must account for at least 75% of the weekly amount of broadcasting for nationwide or regional television channels and radio stations between 07.00 and 18.00 and between 18.00 and 22.00. The quota for local television and radio broadcasters was set at 60%.

Television channels and radio stations broadcasting in the languages of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine must ensure that 75% of total broadcasting be in Ukrainian and the languages of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine, with at least 30% in Ukrainian.