15:00 29.11.2017

No other way except for compliance with Minsk accords

2 min read
No other way except for compliance with Minsk accords

Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli does not see an alternative to the Minsk agreements, despite the lack of significant progress.

I see no other way than full compliance and implementation of the Minsk agreements. One can understand the disappointment of certain people, because now we do not see much progress in this direction. But we need to do everything to make the agreements work, and these four million people, involved in the conflict, cease to suffer from it, Channel 5 quoted Mingarelli as saying on Wednesday.

Earlier, Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov voiced the opinion that the Minsk agreements are no longer working, so there is a need to adopt a number of agreements aimed at resolving the situation in Donbas: "I believe that the Minsk agreements are dead and it's no longer worth talking about. It is necessary to pay tribute to the fact that the Minsk agreements were necessary as a mechanism for a cease-fire regime."

At the same time, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yeliseyev noted that, despite criticism, there is no other instrument for the return of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

"Figuratively speaking: no Minsk - no sanctions. So, I would not like us to play into the hands of the Russian Federation, which at any time can use it to discredit the mechanism of sanctions and try to mitigate or avoid it," he also said.