00:43 12.09.2017

Chiygoz case is another verdict of Russia – Poroshenko

1 min read
Chiygoz case is another verdict of Russia – Poroshenko

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has said that the verdict of the Supreme Court of Crimea to Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Akhtem Chyigoz is another verdict of the Russian Federation, which at the international level is recognized as an occupier.

"The case of Akhtem Chiygoz is another verdict of Russia, which at the highest international level - the UN - is recognized as an occupier," Poroshenko wrote on his Facebook page on Monday.

"You can illegally restrict freedom, but you can never break the will and the truth! You can occupy someone else's land, but it will burn under your feet before it is released," the president said.

Earlier on this day, the Crimean Supreme Court sentenced Akhtem Chiygoz, deputy chair of the Crimean Tatar Majilis (banned in Russia), to eight years in a penitentiary for instigating mass disturbances at a Simferopol rally on February 26, 2014, ahead of the referendum on Crimea's reunification with Russia.