NABU opens 72 criminal cases involving e-declarations, serves 2 notices of suspicion

National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) agents as of the end of August 2017 are investigating 72 criminal cases as a result of analysis of e-declarations, however notices of suspicion have been served to only two individuals, NABU chief Artem Sytnyk has said.
"As of the end of August there are 72 cases as a result of e-declarations. We are talking about illegal enrichment (article 368-2 of Ukraine's Criminal Code) and about deliberately falsifying e-declaration submissions (Article 366-1 of Ukraine's Criminal Code.) To date, we have served two individuals with suspicion notices," Sytnyk said in an interview published on Saturday in the Kyiv-based Zerkalo Nedeli newspaper.
The NABU chief said the biggest minus in the process of reviewing e-declarations is the lack of precedent and court delays.
"It creates enormous risks for the entire declaration process. The absence of court rulings in these cases means the process of electronic declaration filing could turn into the process of amnesty," he said.