09:56 16.06.2017

Washington could support different format for resolving Ukraine crisis, instead of Minsk agreements

1 min read
Washington could support different format for resolving Ukraine crisis, instead of Minsk agreements

If the parties to the Donbas conflict were to come to some sort of settlement mechanism different from the Minsk one, Washington could support it, spokesperson for the U.S. State Department Heather Nauert said at a briefing on Thursday.

"If the parties were to come to some sort of an agreement on their own through some sort of different mechanism, and those parties could adhere to it and agree to it and it would be successful, I think that would be something that we would be open to supporting that," she said at a briefing adding that the U.S. remains committed to the Minsk agreements.

Nauert said the U.S. continues to call on the parties to the Minsk agreement to honor their commitments. "We are not satisfied with the progress in implementing the agreements. We are deeply disturbed by the escalating violence in Donbas," she said.

She said she was not aware of Washington offering any new plan.