Klimkin declares EUR 47,000, $33,000 in cash in 2016, and UAH 440,000 salary

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin has declared EUR 47,000 and $33,000 in cash in 2016.
According to Klimkin's e-declaration posted on the unified state register of declarations, the expenses for the construction of a house in the village of Kozyn, Obukhiv district, Kyiv region, the owner of which is Nina Havrylivna Mykhailenko, and which is wholly or partly constructed from the materials paid by Klimkin or members of his family, amounted to UAH 192,000.
The minister also declared salary of UAH 439,530 for 2016.
According to the declaration, Klimkin's wife Maryna Mykhailenko has declared EUR 45,000 and $60,000 in cash.
Mykhailenko also declared UAH 240,945 in salary at the State Affairs Department, as well as UAH 1.536 million income from the sale of real estate. At the same time, Mykhailenko's 2015 declaration included a land plot with an area of 973 square meters in Kyiv.
Klimkin does not own or lease real estate, and his wife owns an apartment in Kyiv with an area of 68.2 square meters and a third of an apartment in Kyiv with a total area of 90.4 square meters.
The minister owns a 2000 Skoda Felicia car, his wife has a 2008 Volvo S40.