NATO concerned about continued use of heavy weapons in ATO zone

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said the Alliance continues to insist on full implementation of the Minsk agreements and expressed his concern about the presence of heavy weapons in Donbas.
"The ceasefire is being violated every day, sometimes hundreds of times, with explosions from equipment banned under the Minsk Agreements. That is because heavy weaponry has not been withdrawn and only 13 percent of the equipment registered with the OSCE can currently be traced. As Ukraine continues to face Russia's aggressive actions, NATO stands by Ukraine with strong political and strong practical support," he said at a press conference in Brussels on Monday.
Speaking about the upcoming Ukraine-NATO Commission meeting, Stoltenberg said that apart from the situation on Donbas, the foreign ministers of the NATO member states will listen to a report by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin about the progress of Ukraine's reforms.
Many NATO countries will focus on Ukraine's reform because the modernization of government institutions in particular in the defense sector is presently very important for Ukraine, the NATO secretary general said.
Stoltenberg also said he will continue to call on the Allies to provide direct support to Ukraine, while some of the Allies are already helping Ukraine including through training its military.