Yanukovych's questioning via video link as witness benefits Russia - Syroid

The desire of prosecutors to question former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych via a video link as a witness rather than as a suspect plays into Russia's hands and undermines Ukraine's authority, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Speaker Oksana Syroid said.
"The prosecutors are so interested in questioning Yanukovych as a witness, but they are not demonstrating any interest in questioning him as a suspect," Syroid said on Facebook on Friday.
"Are our prosecutors so unprofessional, primitive, and negligent that they don't see that Russia is interested in their actions and the state's authority is inevitably being undermined? Or are they working in Russia's interests on purpose?" Syroid said.
The prosecutors should be held accountable for lack of professionalism, she said.
It was reported earlier that Kyiv's Svuatoshynsky District Court had postponed a hearing originally scheduled for November 25, during which Yanukovych was to be questioned via a video link as a witness in a case against five former members of the Interior Ministry's Berkut taskforce, to 1:00 p.m. Kyiv time November 28, 2016.