09:55 18.07.2016

Poroshenko says words of sympathy to relatives of Malaysian Boeing crash victims, vows punishment for those responsible

2 min read
Poroshenko says words of sympathy to relatives of Malaysian Boeing crash victims, vows punishment for those responsible

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has expressed sympathy for all those who lost their relatives and loved ones in the Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 777 crash, and stressed that Kyiv will do everything in its power to ensure those responsible for the tragedy are brought to justice.

"Like every Ukrainian, I sincerely share the pain of those who lost their relatives in the MH17 flight crash, and will continue to fight so that no criminal responsible for shooting the plane down escapes the punishment they deserve," Poroshenko said, according to his press office.

"Together with our partners, we are doing whatever is necessary to make sure all those responsible for this tragedy are held to account," the president said, noting that the Dutch Safety Board has conducted a comprehensive technical investigation of the disaster, and the criminal inquiry into the crash led by the Dutch prosecutor's office is nearing completion.

The Malaysia Airlines MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was downed on July 17, 2014, in the armed conflict zone in Donetsk region, east Ukraine, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew, who were nationals of ten countries. About two-thirds of the people on board were Dutch.

The air crash is being investigated by a group of specialists from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. The Dutch prosecution service is leading the group, whose main task is to identify those responsible for the crash. This fall, the joint inquiry group is due to submit its preliminary results, in particular, specifying the weapon which downed the plane and the exact location from where the rocket was launched.