Poroshenko signs into law bill that improves protection for journalistic activities

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a bill "On the amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on improvement of protection of professional activities of journalists", which eliminates shortcomings in the legislation regulating the existing legal mechanism to protect professional work of journalists.
The signed law is to advance the legal framework and is aimed at protection of democratic principles of social life stipulated by the Ukrainian Constitution, the official website of the head of state reported on Tuesday.
"The bill foresees liability for the unlawful removal of technical equipment and materials, which were collected, elaborated, and prepared by journalists and used while performing their professional duties. It also details the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine that provides for liability for obstructing the lawful professional activities of journalists," the presidential website said.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the relevant bill with 240 votes in favor on February 4 of the current year.