10:13 12.01.2016

Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine newspaper renamed under 'decommunization' law

1 min read
Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine newspaper renamed under 'decommunization' law

The Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine newspaper has been renamed as KP in Ukraine in accordance with the country's 'decommunization' law, the newspaper said on its website.

"The Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine daily changed its name from January 12, 2016. It is now called KP in Ukraine. The editorial office had to take this step due to the decommunization law that exists in the country, as well as due to the Justice Ministry's unwillingness to take account of the fact that the newspaper's Ukrainian edition, which has already existed for 19 years, has never been the 'mouthpiece of VLKSM' [All-Union Lenin Communist Youth Union], but is one of the leaders of Ukraine's print media," it said.

The newspaper will continue to come out six times a week, with bigger weekly issues with a TV guide on Thursdays.

It was reported that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed several 'decommunization' laws on May 15, 2015, banning Soviet symbols, condemning the Communist regime, offering widespread access to Soviet special services' archives, as well as recognizing the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which is outlawed in Russia, and other organizations as fighters for independence.