09:57 05.01.2016

Cabinet proposes that parliament legalizes house servant jobs

1 min read
Cabinet proposes that parliament legalizes house servant jobs

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has proposed that the parliament legalizes house servant jobs and foresees the signing of labor agreements when house servants are hired.

This is outlined in government's bill No. 3734 posted on the parliament's website.

The cabinet proposed that the following amendments to the Labor Code are made: homework is work performed around the household over 80 hours a week under a labor agreement.

The government proposed that house servants could pay single social security tax along with farmers or private households on a voluntary basis.

According to the assessments of the State Statistics Service, there are around 162,000 house servants in Ukraine. Employers do not register them and do not pay taxes for them.

According to the preliminary data from the State Fiscal Service, today around 7,500 workers pay social and pension taxes on a voluntary basis.