12:55 27.10.2015

Portnov claims he wins court hearing against EU Council on personal sanctions

1 min read
Portnov claims he wins court hearing against EU Council on personal sanctions

Former Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Andriy Portnov has said that the European Union Court has declared the decision of the EU Council to place him on the personal sanction list as unlawful.

"Ukrainian authorities would have to reckon with the decision of the EU Court issued today in Luxembourg. The court fully satisfied my claim and declared the decision of the EU Council against me unlawful and obliged the EU to reimburse all expenditures," Portnov wrote on his Facebook page on Monday.

As reported, in June 2014, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, his two sons and several Ukrainian politicians, including Portnov, filed claims to the EU Court in Luxembourg to challenge the lawfulness of imposing sanctions against them and freezing their assets in Europe.

In March 2015, the EU lifted sanctions from four officials of the Yanukovych times, including Portnov.