NBU relaxes carrying out of telecom companies' transactions to pay for intl roaming

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has relaxed the carrying out of transactions to pay for international roaming and international traffic transfer by telecommunications companies.
Corresponding NBU decree No. 718 of October 22 on amending decree No. 581 on foreign exchange restrictions dated September 3, has been posted on the website of the central bank.
The resolution specifies the requirement regarding control over export transactions, taking into account the specifics of operations of telecommunications companies. At present, the authorized banks are not permitted to remove the export transactions of clients from control if they provided the documents that confirm the termination of liabilities via the offsetting of counter claims in currencies that are to be sold under the requirement of law.
"However, this ban would not apply to truncations of telecommunications companies to pay for international telecom services (international roaming and international traffic transfer)," the NBU said.
The resolution entered into force on October 23.