12:20 09.07.2015

Moscow supports forming group of parliamentarians from EU, U.S., Ukraine, Russia to discuss Donbas – Lavrov

1 min read
Moscow supports forming group of parliamentarians from EU, U.S., Ukraine, Russia to discuss Donbas – Lavrov

Russia supports forming a contact group of parliamentarians, which would include representatives of the European Union, the United States, Ukraine and Russia, in order to discuss the situation in Donbas, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.

"I will remind that the State Duma chairman proposes for a long time at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly (PA) to form such a contact group, which would include Europeans, Americans, Ukrainians and Russians, in order to discuss what is happening in southeastern Ukraine to try finding some contact points and attempt to create most favorable atmosphere for comprehensive implementation of Minsk agreements," Lavrov said at a briefing in Ufa.