18:08 17.06.2015

Poroshenko invites British ex-PM Blair to join his advisory council on reforms

1 min read
Poroshenko invites British ex-PM Blair to join his advisory council on reforms

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has met with former British prime minister Tony Blair (1997-2007) and invited him to join International Advisory Council on Reforms under the Ukrainian president.

"The head of state has invited Blair to share his governmental experience in the framework of the International Advisory Council on Reforms under the Ukrainian president," reads a statement posted on the president's website on Wednesday.

The Council was set up by the president in May 2015. It includes Elmar Brok, the head of the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Foreign Affairs; MEP Jaczek Saryusz-Wolski; Karl Bildt, Swedish ex-foreign minister; Slovak ex-prime minister Mikulas Dzurinda; Lithuanian ex-prime minister Andrius Kubilius; and Anders Aslund, a Swedish economist.

Former Polish president Aleksander Kwasniewski has also expressed his wish to join the Council.