12:23 26.05.2015

Russian consuls will be able to see captured Russian soldiers after agreeing procedural issues with Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

1 min read
Russian consuls will be able to see captured Russian soldiers after agreeing procedural issues with Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

Consular officials from the Russian Embassy in Ukraine will be able to meet with Russian citizens, members of the Russian General Staff's main intelligence directorate Captain Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Sergeant Alexander Alexandrov, who were captured in Luhansk region on May 16, after Russia agrees to all the relevant procedural issues with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, according to an SBU adviser.

"I'd like to stress once again that there are no obstacles to a meeting between consular employees of Russia's Embassy in Ukraine and these two citizens," Adviser to the chief of Ukraine's Security Service (SBU), Markiyan Lubkivsky, wrote on Facebook.

He said the condition of the two Russian soldiers' health is satisfactory.

"Their medical rehabilitation is undergoing normally – doctors provide Captain Yerofeyev and Sergeant Alexandrov with all the needed medical assistance," he wrote.

Investigators will also work with the two Russian citizens, he added.