Trilateral contact group videoconference with DPR, LPR representatives to be held on April 14

A videoconference of participants of the trilateral contact group with representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republic will be held on Tuesday, April 14, the press secretary of Ukraine's representative in the group, ex-president Leonid Kuchma, Daria Olifer, said.
"On April 14, a videoconference of participants of the trilateral contact group with representatives of the so-called DPR and LPR will take place. The conversation will address the ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and the confirmation of this withdrawal by representatives of the OSCE special monitoring mission," Olifer wrote on her Facebook page on Saturday.
According to her, the sides will discuss the exchange of captives, as well as the issue of establishing working groups dealing with security, political, economic and humanitarian provisions stipulated in the Minsk agreement.
Representatives of LPR are ready to take part in a videoconference of the Trilateral Contact Group for settling the Ukraine crisis, LPR envoy to the contact group talks Vladyslav Deineho told Interfax ( on Saturday.
"I have received official notification from the OSCE that the contact group's videoconference will take place at 3:00 p.m. on April 14. We are ready for this," Deineho said.
"The main issue is the formation of sub-groups" on various aspects of the settlement process, Deineho said. "But we also expect that the date for the contact group's offline meeting in Minsk will also be determined at the videoconference," he said.
Meanwhile, Denys Pushilin, the DPR envoy for trilateral contact group told Interfax that they as well planned to discuss the establishment of sub-groups during a contact group videoconference scheduled for April 14.