16:18 23.01.2015

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to appoint Special Envoy on Battling Anti-Semitism

1 min read
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to appoint Special Envoy on Battling Anti-Semitism

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry will soon appoint a Special Envoy of the Foreign Minister of Ukraine on Battling and Counteracting Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia.

"This appointment is highly important at the time of military aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, when all the norms of international law have been violated, our citizens are dying every day, and independent Ukraine's achievements in restoring the rights of deported peoples and forming a tolerant society, in which different peoples and religions [can] peacefully coexist, are threatened," reads the statement released by the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry noted that the envoy would be appointed prior to International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.