17:51 12.11.2014

OSCE secretary general says militants may prepare for military operation near Mariupol

1 min read
OSCE secretary general says militants may prepare for military operation near Mariupol

The intensified activity of illegal armed groups in east Ukraine may indicate that a military operation is being prepared, especially in the area of Mariupol, Donetsk region, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier has said.

While answering questions about the situation in Ukraine during his speech before MEPs and members of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, he said that Mariupol was the area where the shelling is the most severe and that this could part of preparations for a military operation.

Zannier said that the situation in the information sphere in eastern Ukraine also remained difficult.

He said that what had been seen in eastern Ukraine was a real information war and added that the closure of TV channels continued in the region and the work of journalists was being obstructed.

Zannier also said that the OSCE had to close its office in Crimea at the request of the Ukrainian side.