Ukrainian premier calls for no speculation on prices of medicines

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk has called on all involved in sales of medical products not to speculate in the conditions of the fluctuating foreign currency exchange rate and not to set unjustifiably high prices.
"The national currency exchange rate changed, it's true. It has changed by 20% over the past two months, but it did not change by 60%. I address everyone who sells medicines and medical products, so we do not have a situation in which war makes some people rich," Yatseniuk said, opening a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
"If the exchange rate grew by 20%, this means 20%, not 120%," he added.
The premier ordered the Health Ministry, the Economic Development and Trade Ministry with the involvement of the State Price Inspectorate to control the fulfillment of the order on the state regulation of prices of medicines.
"I support the idea that everyone earns money, but I oppose earning by speculating with human lives and the problems of people in an exceptionally challenging situation. Today we have time when everyone should support each other. The support means honesty, openness, transparency and sympathy with each other," he said.