15:23 17.04.2014

EP sure Ukraine has European prospects - resolution

2 min read
EP sure Ukraine has European prospects - resolution

Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership countries have European Union membership prospects and may apply to join the union, the European Parliament has said.

"[The EP] reiterates that the AAs [Association Agreements] with Ukraine and the other EaP countries do not constitute the final goal in their relations with the EU; points out in this connection that, pursuant to Article 49 of the TEU [Treaty on European Union], Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – like any other European state – have [EU membership] prospects and may apply to become members of the union, provided that they adhere to the principles of democracy, respect fundamental freedoms and human and minority rights, and ensure the rule of law," reads a resolution adopted by the European Parliament at a plenary meeting in Strasbourg on Thursday.

In addition, the European Parliament noted that Russian concerns as regards the EU association process of Ukraine and the other Eastern neighbors "must be adequately addressed and explained, so as to ease fears of new geopolitical dividing lines on the European continent."

"Each country has every right to make its own political choices, but that the EU’s engagement with the Eastern partners aims to spread prosperity and increase political stability, from which the Russian Federation will also ultimately gain," the EP said.