Lytvyn calls for extraordinary parliament session on situation in Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada should convene an extraordinary session to consider the situation in Ukraine, the chairman of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, independent MP Volodymyr Lytvyn, has said.
"The 'impulse of power' demonstrated again indicates that the parties to the civil conflict aim to incite it, acting on the principle that during such periods violence is not only possible, but even necessary. Thus they crossed all reasonable and permissible limits beyond which there is already little talk of reason," the politician's press service quoted him as wring on his Facebook page on Monday.
He said he was sure that Ukraine is slipping into a civil war.
"We need the strength and courage to understand that they play too long, stop and even return where it's necessary. It's necessary to put the authorities and the opposition into the chain of responsibility, and thus force them for dialogue, point to the right road. Or they seem to have lost it finally," Lytvyn said.
"It's necessary to immediately convene an extraordinary session of the Verkhovna Rada, thoroughly study the situation in Ukraine and accordingly take key decisions, including the cancellation of a number of previously adopted ones," he said.
He said that the political situation was so complex that politicians and the government should put the interests of the state and human security above their personal interests.
"Today is a moment of truth, when it's important not to play at being popular or invincible so much. It's not so important to think about your future, but it's important not to be afraid of making difficult decisions in the interests of the country. They have to be taken immediately, because tomorrow nobody will be interested in them," he said.