17:12 16.12.2013

CANADEM Canada election mission to follow election results appeals

2 min read

The CANADEM Canada Election Mission will present to the public a report on the results of its monitoring of the repeat parliamentary elections in five Ukrainian constituencies after all irregularities seen during the elections are appealed against, mission Canada coordinator Ann Szyptur has said.

"We have noted the current problems revealed during the pre-election period and directly on the day voting took place. The CANADEM mission must continue its observation of the events occurring after the voting day to properly assess the results of the election process," she said at the press conference on Monday.

The Canadian coordinator mentioned appealing against electoral irregularities seen by the Canadian observers: the issue of ballots to voters without the presentation of necessary documents by them; and the presence of people at polling stations who had press credentials but were in fact representatives of political parties.

Besides, Szyptur drew special attention to the problems seen in forming district and divisional election commissions, when the same people involved in the irregularities at the 2012 parliamentary elections were members of the new commissions and could have allowed violations during these elections as well.

She said she hailed the wider involvement of representatives of NGOs in the observation efforts, in particular the OPORA civil network and theCommittee of Voters of Ukraine.

Canada has deployed a team of 26 election observers to monitor the repeat elections in Ukraine.