Russian, Ukrainian foreign ministers to discuss Black Sea Fleet's presence
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara will meet in Moscow on Friday to discuss key aspects of Russian-Ukrainian bilateral relations, the presence of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, and the settlement of the Transdniestria conflict.
"Border issues will be a subject of the negotiations, primarily those related to facilitating the crossing of the Russian-Ukrainian border by citizens of Russia and Ukraine. The ministers will consider the process of the Azov-Kerch settlement and issues concerning the Russian Black Sea Fleet's presence and functioning on Ukrainian territory," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Considering Ukraine's chairmanship of the OSCE this year, the ministers will attach particular significance to relevant aspects of military-political, economic-environmental, and humanitarian dimensions of the Organization's activity, problems of conflict settlement, and OSCE reform.
"Special attention will be paid to the Transdniestria conflict settlement," it said.
Lavrov and Kozhara will also discuss a schedule of upcoming political contacts at the top and high levels.
"Humanitarian cooperation will also be an important component of the meeting. The ministers are planning to reach an agreement on joint celebrations of momentous dates in Russia's and Ukraine's history and cultural affairs," it said.
Lavrov and Kozhara will also consider Russian-Ukrainian interaction within the CIS.