10:02 04.02.2013

European Parliament observers to visit jailed Lutsenko, says People's Self-Defense Party

1 min read

The European Parliament's observers, including former European Parliament President Pat Cox and former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski, will return to Ukraine early on Monday, People's Self-Defense Party spokesperson Larysa Sarhan has said.

Cox and Kwasniewski will fly by helicopter to Chernihiv region, where Ukraine's former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko is serving his term.

Cox and Kwasniewski started monitoring the court proceedings involving ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko on June 11, 2012 under an agreement between Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and European Parliament President Martin Schulz.

Their mandate was subsequently expanded to include the court proceedings involving Lutsenko and former Acting Defense Minister Valeriy Ivaschenko. Their work was suspended when parliamentary elections began in Ukraine and was then restarted.