14:18 22.01.2013

Foreign Affairs Committee recommends EP support visa liberalization with Ukraine

1 min read

The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs has recommended that the EP support the profile committee's report, thus approving the introduction of an amended Visa Facilitation Agreement with Ukraine.

A relevant report by MEP Pawel Kowal was approved at the committee's meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

As reported, the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs draws up the main report of the EP on its position regarding the agreement. Claude Moraes (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the UK) is the rapporteur on the issue. The issue is to be discussed on February 20, following which a vote on it will be held during the EP's session in March.

At the committee's meeting Kowal noted that for Ukrainians the amended Visa Facilitation Agreement is an important step towards visa free travel between Ukraine and the EU.

"I'm glad that all political groups support my opinion. It is a very important signal showing that the EU is committed to strengthening relations between the citizens of Ukraine and the EU," the MEP said.