15:24 04.01.2013

Vitaliy Klitschko hopes that OSCE chairmanship will return Ukraine to democratic path of development

3 min read
Vitaliy Klitschko hopes that OSCE chairmanship will return Ukraine to democratic path of development

Leader of the UDAR Party MP Vitaliy Klitschko believes that Ukraine's chairmanship in the OSCE should help the country to return to a democratic path of development.

In addition, the successful implementation of an honorable and important mission – to lead one of the most authoritative international organizations for a year - can contribute to the European integration of the country, Klitschko said in his comments to the press.

The politician believes that it depends only on the official Kyiv, whether the chairmanship of the OSCE in Ukraine will be nothing but a simple formality.

"Ukraine has fought for this right since 2005, but, unfortunately, since 2010, there has been a backslide on the standards of democracy, human rights and freedoms. The last parliamentary elections have become a serious blow to the image of Ukraine. The elections, which international observers, in particular the OSCE mission, called a "step back" from democracy. Selective justice, persecution of the opposition, disregard for human rights and freedoms weaken the authority of Ukraine including as a country presiding in the OSCE," the UDAR leader said.

"It's a shame that the Ukrainian chairmanship of the OSCE does not begin with a correction of mistakes, but with the justification of the violations that took place during the latest election campaign," he stressed.

Klitschko believes that in order to raise the prestige of Ukraine in the OSCE, the Verkhovna Rada should focus on improving the electoral legislation and the authorities should demonstrate the will and punish the perpetrators and those involved in election fraud.

According to the UDAR Party leader, this period should be an important occasion for the Ukrainian authorities to show respect for fundamental human rights and democratic values. "We need to abandon selective justice, vengeance and prosecution of opposition, and release political prisoners," Klitschko said.

In addition, he said that the parliament, and in particular, the opposition should make every effort to ensure that Ukraine's chairmanship in the OSCE should be successful. "Kyiv has identified important areas of this year's settlement of protracted conflicts and the fight against human trafficking. To promote the former we needs to build up our reputation in the region, so that the voice of Kyiv in conflict resolution should be heard," he stressed.

Klitschko suggested that Ukraine should increase criminal penalties for offenses related to human trafficking.

"It would add to Ukraine's authority in the OSCE and would contribute to its return to Europe," the politician said.