Elections in Ukraine met European standards, small violations won't affect results, says observation mission

The parliamentary elections in Ukraine were transparent and democratic, and some insignificant violations did not influence the polling process, election observers from the Central-European Group of Political Monitoring International Organization have said.
"In comparison with the 2010 [presidential election], in the 2012 elections both the parties and separate citizens took place, which is a sign of democracy. The Central Election Commission carried out its work effectively and rather fairly," expert, lawyer, and political expert (United States) Lidia Lawson said at a press conference hosted by Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.
According to the expert, the installation of Web cameras at the polling stations and the presence of many observers "ensured a transparent election process and reduced the number of violations."
Lawson added that the media were able to cover the voting, which is also a good sign of democracy.
Observers also noticed a calm atmosphere among observers and at the same time noted that some Ukrainians were not prepared for the elections.
"Our observers registered several insignificant violations, but they were not systematic and did not significantly influence the results of the voting. The elections in Ukraine were organized at a higher level and kept to European standards. The results of these elections reflected a real expression of the will of the people," the expert said.
President of the Spanish media holding Mediasiete publicaciones Pedro Mourino Uzal alo noted the that the elections, the monitoring system, and the security system were organized properly.
"Ukrainians made their choice in an atmosphere of absolute freedom," he said.
"Ukraine proved that it is standing on the way towards real democracy standards," Member of the International Committee of the People of Freedom party (Italy) Alessandra Mussolini said.