Naftogaz in dialogue with EC competition directorate about Gazprom's abuses - Vitrenko

NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy is in dialogue with the antimonopoly body of the European Commission after filing an official complaint against the actions of Gazprom, Yuriy Vitrenko, the head of the board of Naftogaz, said.
"DG Competition began considering this complaint at the beginning of the year and has already contacted Naftogaz twice with clarifications on certain arguments set out in the document. We hope that this indicates that the European Commission intends to thoroughly investigate the causes and circumstances of the gas crisis," he wrote on his Facebook page.
According to him, Naftogaz also provided DG Competition with concrete proposals on how to normalize the situation on the gas market now and minimize Gazprom's ability to blackmail Europe in the future.
As reported, on December 21, 2021, Naftogaz Ukrainy filed a complaint with the EC with a complaint about Russian Gazprom's abuse of its dominant position in the European gas market, filing a petition with the Directorate General for Competition to take immediate measures to normalize the situation.
According to Yuriy Vitrenko, Gazprom has sharply reduced the sale of its own gas on the European spot market, despite growing demand, and is limiting the ability of other companies to supply additional volumes of gas to Europe and compete with it, which was the key reason for the crisis and record growth in prices in Europe.