EBRD may partially cover ProCredit Bank's risks under new loans for EUR70 mln

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) may support, through a risk-sharing mechanism, the provision of new loans by ProCredit Bank for EUR70 million to small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine in key sectors of the economy, in particular in agriculture, food industry, retail trade and logistics.
As stated on the bank's website on Wednesday, the EBRD Board of Directors plans to consider the relevant project at a meeting on April 9 this year.
According to the document, the EBRD estimates its participation in financing at EUR21 million.
In addition to credit support, program participants will be able to receive grant incentives after the successful implementation of investment projects, the message states.
The project provides for up to EUR14 million in risk-sharing sub-loans for long-term investments in SMEs under the EU4Business-EBRD credit line for upgrading equipment to EU standards, investing in sustainable and green technologies (at least 70% of the sub-limit).
The EBRD recalls that ProCredit Bank is a 100% subsidiary of ProCredit Holding AG and a leading SME lender in Ukraine. With EUR1.03 billion in total assets, as of 2024, the bank was among the 15 largest out of 61 banks operating in Ukraine, with a market share of approximately 1.2%.