Vodafone Ukraine, FUIB, DTEK top ESG Transparency Index 2020

Vodafone Ukraine, FUIB and the DTEK group of companies (all are based in Kyiv) topped the Transparency Index 2020 according to the results of the ESG Transparency Index 2020 Ukraine study from the Corporate Governance Professional Association (CGPA), CSR Ukraine Center with the support of the Center for International Private Entrepreneurship (CIPE).
According to the data presented on December 2, the top 10 also includes the state-owned Ukrgasbank, Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine, National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom, MHP, Ukrhydroenergo, Ukrzaliznytsia and Naftogaz Ukrainy.
In total, the compilers of the index assessed the transparency of 56 Ukrainian companies – those that were included in the top 50 largest taxpayers and those who voluntarily joined the assessment, Head of the CSR Ukraine Center Maryna Saprykina said at a press conference.
According to the authors of the study, information was assessed exclusively from open sources – official websites and social networks of companies according to 12 ESG criteria, including information about the company and CSR policy, corporate governance, labor relations, leadership.
In addition, the transparency index was influenced by site navigation and accessibility, reporting, community relations, responsible consumption, environmental protection, human rights and CSR implementation in the supply chain.
The average level of information disclosure according to ESG criteria is 32%, in the top 10 it is 60%. According to the survey, 48 out of 56 companies posted information on corporate governance; overall, the average score for this component increased from 5.2 in 2019 to 6.1 in 2020. Most often, information is posted for investors, about the ownership structure and governing bodies. Less often it is about the plan for attracting stakeholders, CSR management, authorized by the anti-corruption program and certification according to standard ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems.
The share of companies that disclose their CSR strategies or goals increased from 23% to 44%, and the number of those who provide information on the integration of sustainable development goals from 8% to 17.8%. The share of companies disclosing information on human rights issues has almost doubled – from 27% to 50%.
Companies that have demonstrated a high level of information disclosure on websites and in social networks belong to the fields of finance, electricity, pharmaceuticals and metallurgy.
The authors of the study said that the level of preparation of non-financial reporting is still low: according to open data, only 12 companies prepared it, but this is twice as much as in 2019.