11:18 18.09.2018

Triple state control on medical product market to hinder access of innovative products

2 min read

Triple state control on the medical product market foreseen in bill No. 7182 would hinder the access of innovative products to the Ukrainian market, experts from the European Business Association (EBA) have said.

"The European Business Association opposes the adoption of bill No. 7182, which proposes the introduction of a system for licensing production, trade (wholesale and retail) and the import of medical products in Ukraine. The bill contradicts the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement. In general, the introduction of new regulation is superfluous, because it can lead to excessive pressure on the business and damage further imports of high-quality medical products to Ukraine," the EBA said in a press release.

The association said that in Ukraine there already exists a two-level control of the quality of medical products at the certification stage and during the circulation of the relevant products.

"Bill No. 7182 proposes the creation of a third level of control on the market, which is excessive. Triple control would have a negative impact on the overall availability of medical products for patients," the EBA said.

The association is concerned about the intention of the Verkhovna Rada Health Committee to support the bill.

Bill No. 7182 on introducing amendments to the law on licensing of economic activities was registered by a group of people's deputies in October 2017.