Oksana Kryvenko elected NCER head

Oksana Kryvenko has been elected head of the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER), according to a posting on the website of the regulator.
The decision was made by the commission members at a closed-door meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday.
Kryvenko earlier was deputy director of the commission's department for regulating relations in the oil and gas sphere. After a tender, the Ukrainian president appointed her a member of the regulator from May 29, 2018.
Kryvenko was born in Sverdlovsk, Luhansk region. She graduated from Kyiv State Economic University in 1996 and Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas in 2010.
The NCER is engaged in state regulation of subjects of natural monopolies in electric power industry, heat supply, the oil and gas sector, centralized water supply and sewage, processing and burial of solid domestic waste. It also pursues price and tariff policy in the said areas.