Ukraine still does no use pork, beef, egg and dairy products EU quotas

Ukraine as of April 1, 2016 still did not use EU pork, beef, egg and dairy products supply quotas under the Ukraine-EU Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA).
Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Oleksiy Pavlenko wrote on his Facebook page that the corn (400,000 tonnes), honey (5,000 tonnes), sugar (20,700 tonnes), barley cereals (6,300 tonnes), grape and apple juice (10,000 tonnes) and processed tomatoes (10,000) quotas have been used in full in Q1 2016.
The wheat quota (950,000 tonnes) is used by 88%, oats (4,000 tonnes) – by 64%. The main poultry quota (16,000 tonnes) is used by 49.9% and the additional quota (20,000 tonnes) – by 17.7%.
The pork quota is 40,000 tonnes, beef – 12,000 tonnes, eggs – 1,500 tonnes, milk, cream, condensed milk and yoghurt quota – 8,000 tonnes, milk powder – 1,500 tonnes, butter and dairy spreads – 1,500 tonnes and products from processed milk – 2,000 tonnes.
Ukraine can supply 36 goods items within approved quotas to the EU under DCFTA.