Ministry: Crimea seeks milk shipments from Ukraine's southern regions

Crimea badly needs milk and is attempting to secure supplies from regions in southern Ukraine, the press service of the Ukrainian Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry has reported, referring to director of the food department Mykola Moroz.
"Finished food of unknown quality is now brought from Russia to Crimea. Fresh milk supplies are necessary. It is impossible to transport milk without food additives and antibiotics. The quality of the milk is questionable," Moroz said.
He said only 25% of demand for beef and 29% for pork on the Crimean market is currently being met.
"Ukraine satisfied demand for sugar products in full. There were almost no sugar stocks in Crimea when the peninsula was occupied. As of February 2014, only 4% of sunflower oil stocks were available," Moroz said.
Free Crimea predicts that in 2016 Crimea will need to import 50% of milk, 33% of meat and 27% of eggs to meet consumption demands. Products manufactured in Crimea satisfy only 35% of the peninsula's total food requirements.
The Ukrainian government's resolution "On limitation of the supply of certain goods (works, services) from the temporarily occupied territory to another territory of Ukraine and/or from another territory of Ukraine to the temporarily occupied territory" No. 1035 dated December 16, 2015 was published on December 18, 2015.
According to the resolution, the ban will be in effect for the temporary occupation period relating to the supply of goods [works, services] in any customs regimes with the exception of personal belongings of citizens transported in their hand luggage and/or other accompanying luggage and socially significant foods with a total value equivalent to less than UAH 10,000 and a total weight of less than 50 kilograms per person.
Exceptions for food are permitted for persons entering the temporarily occupied territory peninsula once per day.
The list includes high grade wheat flour, bread made of high grade and first grade wheat flour, bread made from mixed rye and wheat flour, pasta, buckwheat, rice, first category beef, pork, lard, poultry, cooked sausage, milk with 2.5% fat content, sour cream with a 20% fat content, cheese, eggs, sugar, sunflower oil, potatoes and salt.