Ukrainian dairy companies to get access to EU market from Jan 2016 if European Commission has no remarks

Ten Ukrainian companies will be able to receive permits to supply dairy products to the European Union (EU) from January 10, 2016 if the European Commission has no remarks.
The Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine reported on its website that the European Commission sent a letter saying that 10 Ukrainian companies officially passed the audit.
"If within one month European countries do not send comments, on January 10, 2016 ten companies will receive access to the European market," the ministry said, citing Minister Oleksiy Pavlenko.
He said that the European quality certificates are a large step forward in the issue of opening new markets. The certificates would confirm the compliance of Ukrainian dairy products to international requirements and standards and would expand the export potential of the Ukrainian agricultural sector.
"European certificates allow boosting exports of dairy products not only to the European market, but also other markets, for example, Asia and Africa," the minister said.